Support The Cause

A portion of all book sales is going to
To help find that “CURE”
"Love yourself, love your family, love your job, love your sense of purpose".
Marg Foster ex Silverfern and Netball Coach.
Support The Cause

"Love yourself, love your family, love your job, love your sense of purpose".
Marg Foster ex Silverfern and Netball Coach.
Nana's Baking Recipe Book
Remember all those old favourites nana used to make? We’ve put a range of these loved recipes together all in one book. A portion of book sales goes to breast cancer.
Nana's Recipe Book
just $20.00
*plus postage

Nana's Recipe Collection
just $20.00
*plus postage

Receive a gift of a retro tea towel with the book to say thank you for your support.
Nana's Baking Recipe Book
Remember all those old favourites nana used to make? We’ve put a range of these loved recipes together all in one book. A portion of book sales goes to breast cancer.

Nana's Recipe Book
just $20.00
*plus postage

Receive a gift of a retro tea towel with the book to say thank you for your support.
About One Step Forward
ONE STEP FORWARD Breast Cancer Survivor Stories, is filled with REAL LIFE stories of lives that have been transformed by BREAST CANCER.
These courageous woman share their physical, mental and emotional struggles and they TRIUMPH.
Some of these woman were saved by early detection. Some knew they would have CANCER long before they had the symptoms. While others lived against all odds.
These personal stories (their journey) reflect the inescapable challenges of SURVIVAL. And how their life came richer and sweeter in the wake of CANCER.
The journeys as told offer HOPE, and proof of the human spirit to FIGHT ‘ON’

From the highlights from woman's breast cancer stories (journey's)
Catherine's Story
“I was looking forward to the birth of our second child. Decorating the nursery and buying baby clothes. Our first child was a son, and this time we found out we are having a daughter. When I went to my obstetrician for my prenatal visit that’s when he found a lump in my breast……..
Jena's story
Sometimes being strong is facing the one thing that you fear the most. I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with Stage 1 BREAST CANCER. Fortunately the past May I bet it. After my Lumpectomy I tried to bury my thoughts, feelings and the fact that I actually had breast cancer. But facing it was the one thing that made me stronger………..
Catherine's Story
“I was looking forward to the birth of our second child. Decorating the nursery and buying baby clothes. Our first child was a son, and this time we found out we are having a daughter. When I went to my obstetrician for my prenatal visit that’s when he found a lump in my breast……..
Jena's story
Sometimes being strong is facing the one thing that you fear the most. I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with Stage 1 BREAST CANCER. Fortunately the past May I bet it. After my Lumpectomy I tried to bury my thoughts, feelings and the fact that I actually had breast cancer. But facing it was the one thing that made me stronger………..
In One Step Forward, there are many brave stories (Journey's) in how these woman coped with their diagnosis, and to say they have survived.
Buy the book
Hard Cover - $39.00
Now just $25.00
*plus postage